Master of Science (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Medicine

As we had informed you, the Medical Faculty of University Duisburg-Essen decided to end this course 30 Sept. 2024.

The good news is that Fresenius University of Applied Sciences will take over the Master Course at its campus in Wiesbaden, Germany, later that year.

Because of data privacy legislation reasons, we cannot share your personal contact data with the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.

In case you want obtain further details and/or apply for the Master Course at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, please send your contact details to:

Nina Korniyenko

Email: nina.korniyenko (at)

Topic: Master Course Pharmaceutical Medicine – Application

or visit

You will soon after receive further details about the course, its timelines, costs and the application process from the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.

Master of Science (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Medicine

The MSc study course comprises four semesters and is non-consecutive, i.e. it is not based on a specific bachelor course. The study programme with emphasis on research is focussed on theoretical courses and current projects imparting a profound knowledge in various aspects of pharmaceutical medicine.

By conducting own research projects students are to develop professional skills in the pharmaceutical sciences which are mainly applicable in the pharmaceutical or pharmacy-related industry and pharmaceutical research institutions.



Master of Science (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Medicine, University Duisburg-Essen


Place of study

University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen


Start of study

A new study course starts every two years in winter semester.


Period of study

The study course covers two years and can be conducted while the student is working.



All modules are held in English.

DegreeMaster of Science (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Medicine
UniversityUniversity Duisburg-Essen
LanguageAll modules are held in English
Credits60 ECTS
Fees€ 14.850,-- ( € 7.425,-- per year) plus Processing Fee of € 125,-- for applications plus Enrolment Fees ( € 55,00 per semester)
ScheduleEvery two years
Accreditation and ApprovalAQAS
RequirementsApplicants should have a degree in one of the following areas:
• Pharmacy
• Life Sciences
• Medicine
as well as one year's professional experience.

Highly skilled, experienced professionals in various disciplines are essential to accelerate the discovery and development of more effective and safer medicines for patients. As a postgraduate interested in the process of discovery, development, regulation and marketing of medicines this study course provides you with the opportunities to widen your horizon and to drive your career in this field.

You will learn about the day-to-day practice in the field of the pharmaceutical value chain as to promote interdisciplinary knowledge. Additionally focus will be set on the flow of information between the different phases of the drug development process and to develop better understanding in the complex international tasks and competencies in the pharmaceutical industry.

For each study unit the participant has an one-month preparation time based on given literature which is discussed during the block seminars. During the seminar the participants will meet up to our senior experts to talk, discuss and demonstrate their knowledge on a scientific basis.
The main emphasis of the study course is teamwork, along with participation, presentations and discussions. The participants will interact with international lecturers who are leading experts in their fields as they work in health care institutions and the international pharmaceutical industry.

Download Flyer PDF
Master Pharmaceutical Medicine 1
Master Pharmaceutical Medicine 2
Master Pharmaceutical Medicine 3
Master Pharmaceutical Medicine 4
Master Pharmaceutical Medicine 5

Basic Information and Application

How is the MSc study course structured/duration?

The study course covers two years and is divided into 3 modules with 19 study units taught in block seminars on Thursday afternoon, Friday and Saturday at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Each study unit concludes with an examination.
After 19 study units, a time period for thesis preparation and oral examination follows.

Which entrance requirements exist for the MSc study course?

Applicants should have a degree in one of the following areas with at least 240 ECTS:

  • Pharmacy
  • Life Sciences
  • Medicine

as well as one year's professional experience.

Which language is used in the MSc study course?

All modules are held in English.

How much does it cost to participate in the MSc study course?

  • Study Course Master of Science (MSc) in Pharmaceutical Medicine: € 14.850,-- ( € 7.425,-- per year)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Pharmaceutical Medicine (15 study units): € 12.000,-- (€ 4.000,-- per semester)
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Pharmaceutical Medicine (10 study units + final assignment): € 9.000,-- (€ 4.500,-- per semester)
  • Single study unit: € 900,--

How to apply for the MSc study course?

Interested persons can apply in writing at the

Examination Board “MSc of Pharmaceutical Medicine”
c/o Ruhr Campus Academy (RCA) gGmbH
Frau Vanessa Foschepoth
Edmund-Körner-Platz 2
45127 Essen

or by E-Mail at vanessa.foschepoth[at] 

The application must contain the following documents additionally to the application form:

  1. completed application form with a passport sized photograph
  2. typed curriculum vitae, not exeeding 3 pages and emphasis should be placed on your employment history
  3. degree certificate
  4. certificates of additional qualifications
  5. proof/certificate of employment
  6. a typed rational on why you want to study here and your career plans

Processing Fee of € 125,-- for applications

Application documents assessed by the Scientific Course Committee (SCC) as promising will lead to an invitation for interviews. In general the individual interviews will be arranged for July and August at the university. The interviewers will be lecturers from the study course. Naturally the interview will be – at least partly – in English.

For the interview we would like you to tell us about your work and study experiences, insights, career objectives and aims. There are no specific requirements for the interview; it is a chance for you to talk about yourself, for you to meet us and also a chance for you to see what the University of Duisburg-Essen offers.

Members of the Scientific Course Committee

Dr. Dr. Holger Adelmann (Chairman)
Prof. Dr. Dobromir Dobrev, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Jöckel, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Prof. Dr. Kristina Lorenz, ISAS e.V.
Prof. Dr. Martin Michel, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Dr. Peter Schüler (vice-Chairman), ICON Clinical Research GmbH

Vanessa Foschepoth


Vanessa Foschepoth

Tel.: +49 (0) 201 / 183 - 7393
